Create account

The API has 2 independent environments (Sanbox and Production), depending on the environment you want to use, you require an account of it.

To know in which environment you are creating the account, you should look at the URL, or follow these steps:

Create an account in Sandbox

  1. Enter the Registration URL in Sandbox
  2. Complete the process using the "Wizard"and you can also consult here for any questions *

Create an account in production

  1. Enter the Registration URL in production
  2. Complete the process using the "Wizard"and you can also consult here for any questions *

The process is identical for both environments

Base URLs for requests

Dependiendo del entorno en que vas a consumir la API, las peticiones se realizan a alguna de nuestras URLs

  1. Sandbox / Test:
  2. Production / Valid invoices:


1) Que tu usuario de Sandbox sea diferente del de Producción
    Emplea diferentes usuarios y contraseñas para los distintos ambientes
   esto te evitará confusiones respecto al ambiente con el que estas trabajando

2) Que los datos empleados para hacer las pruebas sean un poco diferentes
o completamente diferentes a los reales de tu negocio 
    En el ambiente Sandbox no coloques los datos precisos de tu empresa o negocio      
    esto te evitará confusiones respecto al ambiente con el que estas trabajando, 
    y te permitirá identificar un comprobante de pruebas con respecto a uno real, con tan solo ver el XML o PDF

Example of creating an account in the Sandbox environment (but it also applies the Production environment)

Specifying the user data and password


  • The RFC must be unique in the platform and not be associated with any other account
  • For the API Multiesor, the RFC is also required
  • Since is the RFC of your company and it will be used to get the invoces from Facturama

Note: You can use the test RFC EKU9003173C9
(Only use this RFC in the SandBox enviroment)

Facturama API CFDI 4.0 crear cuenta sandbox